Community Habitat Restoration Project (CHRP)

Take in the Quiet and Connect

When was the last time you listened to a brook? Sat among the trees and thought about what was really important to you? Many people say they feel closest to God in nature. At Lake Washington Christian Church, we see and feel the glory of God in nature too. We are located on a wetland and forested property in Kirkland. There are streams, old trees and a quiet that speaks to us. Come sit on a bench, listen to the stream, take in the quiet, and connect.

Wetland ecosystem education anytime of the year

As a recovering wetland, CHRP is available as an educational resource. We are open to many different types of uses and partnerships, for groups of all sizes. Possibilities include:

  • Self-directed exploration
  • Guided nature walks
  • Native plant and habitat education
  • Habitat restoration and plant propagation clinics

The site has outdoor and indoor gathering spaces that can be used for a variety of educational experiences. Please contact us to discuss and arrange an outing for your group.

Do you have questions about habitat restoration?

The CHRP team has learned a lot over the 10+ years we have worked on wetland restoration. We would be happy to chat with you about the phases of our project and what we did and learned in each phase. We’d also be happy to tell you about the wonderful partners we worked with and how to get connected with them.

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Community Habitat Restoration Project (CHRP)