Faith in Action
Living our Values
At Lake Washington Christian Church, we are committed to social justice and acts of charity as an essential part of our faith. We actively partner with local and global organizations to embody our commitment to be a ‘movement for wholeness’. We participate in both local ecumenical community organizations and worldwide missions.

Children’s Garden
The Children’s Garden is a part of our children’s formation program as well as a mission project, growing organic produce which is given to a local food shelf to address food insecurity.

Anti-racism Study and Action Group
This group meets monthly to engage in learning and action related to becoming an anti-racist, pro-reconciling congregation. We discuss topics such as: white privilege, decolonization of the church, and racial equity. We look for opportunities in the larger community to learn and advocate for justice.

Little Free Pantry
In response to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity, we built a little free pantry on our property. Our little free pantry is fully supported through donations. To learn more about little free pantries, visit

Environmental Initiatives
We are a Green Chalice congregation and implement three green initiatives or projects each year. Every year around Earth Day, we celebrate Earth Care weekend with worship, service and learning events around a particular theme.

Wine to Share, Water for All
An annual fundraiser for a global water project through Week of Compassion and Church World Service.

Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
The Pastor's Discretionary Fund provides emergency food and gas gift cards to assist individuals and families in times of need. This program is fully funded through donations, and requires no proof of need to receive to help.

Kirkland Interfaith Network
We partner with KIN on justice and compassion projects in our community.

Greater Kirkland Ecumenical Parish
We regularly partner with the GKEP churches for worship events and service or justice projects.

Faith Action Network
We are a member church of FAN and support their work of advocacy in an interfaith context.
As a member congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we are part of a larger denominational network for outreach and missions including:
- Alliance Q
- Disciples Higher Education & Leadership Ministries
- Disciples Home Missions
- Global Ministries
- Green Chalice
- Reconciliation Ministry
- Week of Compassion
We support the following community organizations with our charitable giving, building use, and service:
- Attain Housing
- Babies of Homelessness
- Camp Unity Eastside
- KidVantage (was Eastside Baby Corner)
- Hopelink
- Kirkland Interfaith Network (KIN)
- Lake Washington Human Services
- Lake Washington Untied Methodist Church’s Safe Parking Program
- New Bethlehem
- Operation Nightwatch
- Safe Place
- Sophia Way
- Youth Eastside Services